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a painting showing gold and white with a red carpet, in the style of meticulous photorealistic still lifes, jewelry by painters and sculptors, detailed drapery, light indigo and brown, canon ae-1, eastern brushwork, metalwork jewelry
a woman wearing a dark top dress and scarf, in the style of detailed still life, white and bronze, mati klarwein, exquisite detail, baroque realism, reflections, silk painting
painting of jewelry and pearls on a cloth, in the style of dark orange and light bronze, flowing draperies, realist attention to detail, manapunk, polished craftsmanship, claire-obscure lighting, meticulous detail
a painting showing gold and white with a red carpet, in the style of meticulous photorealistic still lifes, jewelry by painters and sculptors, detailed drapery, light indigo and brown, canon ae-1, eastern brushwork, metalwork jewelry
a painting of a white porcelain plate next to grapes, in the style of light amber and bronze, academic realism, biblical grandeur, realist detail, light maroon and bronze,  hudson river school

„After the Encounter“ Druck auf Leinwand 40x40 Zoll, signierte und nummerierte Giclée-Limited-Edition

Normaler Preis$2,600.00

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Entdecken Sie die faszinierende Welt der traditionellen flämischen Ölgemälde unter der meisterhaften Anleitung von Alexei Antonov. Tauchen Sie ein in eine einminütige Reise, während wir die Geheimnisse des hyperrealistischen Stilllebens lüften.

Antonovs Pinselstriche hauchen seinen Leinwänden Leben ein und zeigen komplizierte Details von Gläsern voller Früchte. Luxuriöse Vorhänge in Weiß- und Brauntönen kaskadieren und bilden eine komplexe und dennoch harmonische Komposition. Das Zusammenspiel von Licht in Bronze- und Bernsteintönen sorgt für eine ätherische Note und erzeugt einen goldenen Glanz, der die Anmut und den Realismus des Kunstwerks unterstreicht.

Während wir tiefer in Antonovs künstlerisches Reich eintauchen, entdecken wir einen Tisch, der mit einer flackernden Kerze, einem köstlichen Obstsalat und dem ikonischen Weinblatt geschmückt ist. Hier nimmt das Thema eine faszinierende Wendung und umfasst den Reichtum der jüdischen Kultur. Die biblische Erhabenheit entfaltet sich und webt eine Erzählung, die Zeit und Raum überschreitet.

Begleiten Sie uns auf dieser einminütigen Erkundungstour, bei der jeder Strich und jedes Detail Bände spricht und die Essenz von Antonovs Meisterschaft und den zeitlosen Reiz des hyperrealistischen Stilllebens in der flämischen Tradition einfängt.


Giclee (pronounced zhee-klay), giclee is a neologism derived from the French word “gicleur” which means “nozzle”. It is a fine art digital print made using inkjet printers. The name was originally applied to fine art prints it is a high-quality printing method used to reproduce fine art, including paintings and photographs. It involves using high-resolution printers and archival inks to create museum-quality prints that are often virtually identical to the original artwork in terms of color, detail, and texture. Giclee prints are known for their exceptional clarity and longevity.

Limited Edition

A Limited Edition refers to a set number of art prints that are produced from an original artwork. The artist decides the total quantity in the edition.  Each print is signed and numbered by the artist. and once that number is reached, no more prints are made. Limited editions are often preferred by collectors because they are considered more exclusive and valuable than open editions. The serial number indicates the number of the individual print and the total number of prints made in the limited edition series ex:12/500.

 Embellished Giclee

Limited Editions Embellished Giclee is a specific type of Giclee print that has been further enhanced by the artist. In this process, the artist adds hand-painted details or embellishments to the Giclee print, making each piece unique. These embellishments can include brushstrokes, texture, and other elements that give the print a more personalized and authentic feel. An artist paints or draws in areas of choice to add texture, making a giclee look even more like an original than it already does. Limited Editions Embellished Giclees are typically produced in a limited quantity, and each one is signed and numbered by the artist. By the end of the print run, each individual work will retain its value over time.

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